
Showing posts from 2018

New Additions

So, we’ve had a new addition (or 2!) to the Dietrich family! I’ll bet no one ever would have guessed they’de see the Dietrich Family own DOGS, but the day has come. Meet Macey and Kiah, the calmest, best dogs ever. The 2 K's - Keaton and Kiah Kiah..... Kiah, Left Macey, Right Macey is a part German Shepherd, and definitely looks like one. She’s only 10 months old, but very calm. She’s starting to get the concept of ‘Sit’ even though she’s been here only since yesterday! Macey likes to take walks with us outside of the fenced yard without a leash, which is alright since she seems to already understand where her home is. Kiah, well she’s just a little cutie. She's 7 weeks old. She ollows Macey around everywhere and comes to us when we call ‘Puppy, Puppy!’. Kiah as well likes to go for walks, and although she doesn’t mind a leash, likes it better without. Well, just a little sneak peak into the new animals of the family, That’s all for today,      * Pa

A Departure and a Be Back Soon

So since you last heard, Tyler has departed from yet another great visit and we were sad to see him go. We made lots of great memories in his 2 weeks here, though. *Snokeling (photos in my last post) *A couple trips (or 3 or 6!) to Secret Beach to have fun in the water and get a nice sun burn. *Biking and carting around town *Making coconut lentil curry with him (yes, we consider that a memory!) Lets just say Grady is a whole memory in herself Nighttime swim at Secret Beach with TyTy Possibly another Secret Beach trip.... San Pedro from a crack in cement Beach Feet Saturday, in honour of TyTy we had to go to Secret Beach AND eat a whole 18lb watermelon in one sitting. Just for him. Grady is not enjoying that slice of waterme at all, is she?!!! 'Someones' decided it would be fun to stick all their seeds on my arms. I think they counted 105 total seeds.  Grady rocking the 1 hour bike ride to Secret Beach. Last Sunda


We are making progress! Monday the 18th was the first day for our two new San Pedro Store employees! Yay🤣 for Jefferson and Alice!    Jefferson introduced us to a church here on the island called Sagebrush, which is being held in the theatre (1 of Belize's 2!!). We have been going there for the past couple weeks and it is great. He is very good with people and likes to socialize, which is great for in the store.    Alice is VERY kitchen savy and is not afraid to try new things, which is a necessity when working with Shoots Alive. So far, they are doing well, and we can't wait to train the furthered to take over the store! Sorry, I haven't had much time to post recipes, but trust me. With this store, we are coming up with a LOT of recipes, so eventually I will try to post them. What I have been doing is learning a bit of Macrame from Pinterest to make hanging planted for outside the store. (Macrame is basically just the art of knotting)  My handy dandy boat tie ancho

The One and Only....

Sometimes, I sit and think and wonder..... Somewhere in this huge, God-made world, there must be someone like me .... - A 12 year old girl who has 2 awesome siblings and great parents. - Who has a weird hobby of playing 'the pickup truck game' with her younger brother. The pickup truck game is where you and another player has to yell out the brand and make/model of any pickup truck that passes you on the road .Whoever (thinks) they got the most correct, wins! - Who is assisting in the opening of a store and eatery - Who likes to blast worship music while running the till in that store - Who is writing a fantasy book - Who loves the kitchen and mixing flavours - Who is crazy, weird and proud of it - Who loves and trusts God to always provide But then, when I really think about it, I realize......theres no one else. I'm a one and only. The one and only, Paige Jacey Dietrich. Thanks for bearing that extreme attempt at something slightly poetic. On a less...gramat

The Landing Gear Is Down!

The landing gear is down! We took the water taxi out to San Pedro this morning, and we are now safe and sound in our apartment, 2 stories above the soon-to-be, Shoots Alive store!! God is SO good! After arriving in San Pedro at 11:30am. with roughly 800-1000lbs of cargo plus 3 suitcases, we got in contact with a guy with a pickup truck to haul our cargo a couple miles to the store complex. What did we bring that weighs around 800lbs?!?! Well, 3 wooden bourbon barrels which we repurposed for holding peppers etc. in the store, many many wooden shelves crafted by the awesome men of our house, a printer, boxes of store supplies, wooden signs, 4 bikes for transportation....and I probably forgot to mention some items!!! We are hoping to open our doors on May 13 for a very, very soft opening. Seeing as we are no pros at this, we want to start slow. Well, the next 6 weeks will be busy, so please forgive me if I don’t get the blog updated regularly. None the less, keep checking for new e