Up on the Hill

For those of you who don't know, we do own land here in Belize.
We started the cement pad for our future house up 'On the Hill' about 2 years ago, and finally, finally, it will be finished!
Keaton, Dad and the 4 guys who will be finishing the foundation are up on the hill today putting the rebar into the foundation and getting water pumped from the 375ft. deep well all the way to the top of the property. God is GOOD, all the time, and ALL the time, God is good.
Hopefully, if all goes as planned, we will be pouring the floor on Monday! Yay!

So, what better to do when you have a bunch of guys working than make them....Cinnamon Rolls!
Mmmmmm....I won't be posting the specific recipe, just some pictures...to make your mouth water!


Come to think of it, we should have used THIS mixer to make the Cinnamon Rolls!!!!

That's all for now, but keep posted!
*Mel and Paige


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