Food, Beach, Cats and More!

Well....seems like a little while since I last posted. I guess it's about time to post again!

So, since you last heard, our cement pad did get poured but....well, I'll just leave it at that.

On March 25th we took a trip out to San Pedro, one of Belize's islands (cayes). We had an offer a month and a bit ago to rent a small space there and set up a Shoots Alive store front there, so we decided to check it out for the 3rd time. We spent a few hours chatting with the land lord and walking around the space, then we of coarse had to stop for some ice cream, because it was Grady's birthday and because it is impossible to walk past an ice cream shop and not go in. We splashed in the sea a bit and before we knew it, we were on the last boat of the day heading back to the mainland.
 So, after talking, taking trips and praying, we have just recently come to the conclusion that we will be going ahead with the store front! Mom, Grady, Keaton and I will be living out there for around 6-8 weeks through May and June to get the store going, find employees, etc. and Dad will come to the island on weekends. Planned grand opening time is around the 3rd week of May!!

This is an outdoor seating area designed and built by the store land lord's
project manager. It is made of repurposed wood from an old dock in San Pedro that got washed
down in a hurricane. Pretty Neat!

As of a few weeks ago, our kitten count has grown from 3 to 7! Lily, the female grey cat had 4 kittens; 2 black and white ones, 1 black and 1 white, like Mel.
They are SO cute and have just gotten the hang of walking. Enjoy the cute picture, please!

Their first time out of their cardboard box house.

Annnnd, my cooking, of coarse, hasn't stopped. Although, this recipe is a little bit not-so-healthy, but.....just forget about that. This recipe uses only 6 ingredients. Instead of using the typical cornstarch, I used Cassava starch, but that is the only change I made to the original recipe.

recipe from
Chocolate Pudding
   Prep Time      Cook Time     Serves  
3hours, 10min       12min               6

Ingredients ------
2/3 C. sugar
1/4 C. cassava starch
1/3C. cocoa powder
2 1/2 C. milk, any kind
4 egg yolks
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Directions ------
In a saucepan, combine sugar, cassava starch and cocoa powder. Using a whisk, slowly add the milk until cassava starch is dissolved. Whisk in egg yolks and stir until combined. Place over medium heat, and cook until the pudding is bubbling. Turn down to low and heat for a few more minutes, then remove from heat. Mix in the vanilla extract and pour into a glass bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for minimum 3 hours before serving.
Very good served with some coconut and cacao nibs on top, as well as.......

Suriname Cherry Purree!

Yesterday we picked a record breaking, 5.5 lbs of suriname cherries from 1 tree!!!!!
MMMMMmmmmm, they are SOOO good.......
And, last but not least to this very long blog post......Art! Mom and I are redesigning our glass boards to be Calendar Boards!

That's all for now folks,
Sorry for the long blog post,
*Mel and Paige



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